ProDentim’s Top Affiliates Have
a New Favorite: Denticore

  • Unique formula on the market, based on clinically researched ingredients

  • Written and designed by the same team that created ProDentim

  • Quick commission bump for volume affiliates

  • Optimized to convert on Facebook, Youtube, Native, Email and other platforms

  • $3⬆️ average EPCs and growing!

Medical scientists recently discovered that bleeding gums and tooth decay are actually caused by the poor oxygenation of gum and tooth tissues. Recent studies coming from Cambridge and Oxford are now confirming this breakthrough. Moreover, the fact that our gums and teeth roots are innervated by thousands of tiny veins and nerves so that oxygen-rich blood can pass through them and keep them alive is more than proof enough.

As we inhale or eat, bacteria travels and accumulates into the mouth, reaching your lungs through saliva. In time, these bacteria combine with other bacteria coming from your nose and airways, and they mutate and multiply. In short, they spiral out of control, causing the lung tissue to become irritated. This means poorer oxygenation, as the air doesn’t “travel” through our body the way it should. The less oxygen your gums and teeth get, the more frail they become. This leads to bleeding gums and rotting teeth.

Inspired by the Navy divers and created by an internal medicine doctor, this tooth and gum rebuilding solution contains 7 highly potent plants and minerals. These work by first cleaning your entire respiratory system, gums, and teeth of bad bacteria. Then, they pump healing blood and revitalizing oxygen to your gums and teeth 24/7.

They will finally be able to address gum bleeding, throbbing infections, bad breath and cavities, no matter their age, medical conditions or for how long they’ve been dealing with tooth decay. They will be able to show off their pearly whites and smile with confidence.

Gender & Age

Men & women over the age of 30.

People interested in:

  • Alternative dental solutions;
  • Avoiding dental procedures and surgeries;
  • Remedies for bad breath and yellow teeth.




Mobile, Desktop, Tablet

Note: Our website is optimized for maximum conversions on all devices!

Traffic Sources

Conversion powerhouse across all major traffic sources: Emailing, Native, Google, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. It also slays on social platforms like Pinterest and Telegram.

Affiliates have been reporting an average of $3 EPC.

If you have volume, you can also get a bump in commissions.

ClickBank offers the convenience of placing your tracking pixels, including those from Facebook, Yahoo, Google, Voluum, and others, directly within your ClickBank account. For more details on utilizing this feature, please follow this link. If you encounter any difficulties adding a specific pixel through the above method, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our development team can manually assist in its integration.

NOTICE: No Affiliate advertising may include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state advertising and consumer protection laws, regulations and guidelines as set forth below. All affiliates must affirmatively agree to our Advertising Rules before enrolling in our affiliate program. Any violation of these Traffic Restrictions and our Advertising Rules will result in immediate suspension or termination of the affiliate agreement, and potential legal action.

  1. Affiliates may not include any content that is deceptive, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with all federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines in all affiliate advertisements and promotions.
  2. Affiliates may not use any DentiCore “before and after photos” or user testimonials in their promotions unless permitted under our Advertising Rules and in compliance with the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
  3. Affiliates are strictly prohibited from using AI deepfake technology (content that impersonates any person) in any form of advertising or promotional content.
  4. Affiliates may not run Google Adwords (or any Google property) by bidding on “DentiCore” based keywords, use the term “DentiCore” in any pay-per-click advertisements, use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are similar to "scam" or "fraud", or create customer incentives for purchasing DentiCore.
  5. Affiliates may not use press releases as a means of advertising or promoting our products, services, or brand.
  6. Affiliates may not promote DentiCore on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, Apple App Store, or any other similar online marketplaces, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us), including Craigslist, Kijiji, Gumtree, or any other classified ad network.
  7. Affiliates may not bypass DentiCore pages to generate orders, whether by directing customers to unauthorized checkout pages, creating unauthorized landing pages, or using any means to circumvent our official sales process.
  8. Affiliates may not employ spying tools or any similar technology with the intention of duplicating or replicating successful advertisements, i.e., not use software or services to monitor, copy, or analyze the advertisements of other affiliates or the company itself.
  9. Affiliates are strictly prohibited from utilizing adware as a means of advertising DentiCore.
  10. Affiliates may not create any advertisements that falsely represent them as the creator or owner of DentiCore.

*** Any affiliate caught breaking any of these terms will be banned immediately without hesitation, and will not be eligible for reinstatement. ***

Step 1 - Your FREE ClickBank Account

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Step 2 - Get Approval

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Step 3 - Generate Your Hoplink



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